This is a website I made. It's named because I like sketching and computer programming. Look at the pretty flower.
[Totally a picture of me]
My name is . I'm an easy-going person with an decent sense of humor. I enjoy Photography, Minecraft, reading, and occasionally sketching. Almost anything that requires some level creativity catches my interest. Computer programming is no exception. Except for when it's tedious and boring.
I've tried to describe my projects here in a way that someone who may not be 100% familiar with the topic could still somewhat understand most of them. They are listed in rough chronological order, with the most recent at the top.
A web app I made to help me better keep track of how I'm spending my money. It separates spending by categories I can specify and visually displays them in a graph. And it does not connect to my bank account, something I especially wanted to keep separate.
Yes, it's called Budget Thingy. It was a placeholder name at the time and I never thought of a better one. Made in my spare time over four months using MySQL, Python, Django, jQuery, Bootstrap, Chart.js, and JavaScript.
A game I made with five other people for my senior project. I made all the level environments and the dragon enemy, minus the sounds. I'm good at fixing problems so I also helped my teammates fix bugs a lot. We made the game with the Unity engine and C#.
After the semester ended, we polished the game until we lost interest. Then we released the totally 100% complete and bug-free game on
A web app I made for a friend who wanted a way to record her mood and other medical things. I made it using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Chart.js, and libsodium. No demo because I switched hosting services and haven't got around to setting up the SQL component again. I doubt I'll ever take the time to.
A password manager with questionable security. I made it more for the experience than for serious use. I was in a Minecraft mood when I made it, hence the name. Written in Java with the Java Simplified Encryption library.
Conversion program to translate one email service's contacts storage format to another's. Made with JavaScript, PHP, cURL, and C++.
A text editor built using wxWidgits and C++. Backstory:
The IDE I was using at the time, Code::Blocks, had a built-in GUI builder. The builder saved the GUI designs in an XML file with a .wxs extension. The builder itself was a bit limited in what you could do with it.
I found that I could edit the XML in the WXS file and create a more customized UI. I found myself going back and forth between the IDE and a text editor. So, I made this: a text editor with a button to reload the currently open file and a file filter for opening WXS files.
It's not something I use today, but I was happy with the final result when I finished it. Fun fact, one of the Code::Blocks devs starred this on GitHub.
smh my head, you expected to find funny things here? You will be disappointed.
if null, then don't crash
x = 1
while True:
print("To infinity and beyond! We're getting close, on ", x, " now!")
x += 1
- stolen from the Python Wiki
Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)
#define true false
#define while while(1);while
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception(e.Message);
Looky looky, you could give me monies for da artsies on da Fiverr.
...forever, because my hosting service changed their plans and I
don't have the money to pay for server-side scripting anymore.